All clients of Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service have rights that we must uphold. If you are a client or want to ask us to help you with a disability-related legal issue, this page explains how we will work with you.
What are my rights?

Villamanta's commitment to me
We are committed to giving you the best possible service, and making sure Victorians with disability know about and can use the law to get their rights met.
We are also committed to providing services in a way that meets our responsibilities under the Disability Services Act 1986. This Act tells you about:
- some of your general rights as someone using Villamanta’s services
- what you are entitled to expect of Villamanta.
The Act sets out standards that must be met by all organisations that work with people with disability.

Villamanta's responsibilities to me
What the Disability Services Act 1986 standards mean for you:
Our services will be accessible.
When you contact us, we need to make sure we can help you.
Our confidentiality rules cover any information we have about you.
Our privacy rules cover any information we have about you that is protected under the Privacy Act 1988.
If you contact us for help, we need some information from you.
Conflicts of interest
Learn how we avoid conflicts of interest.
If you are not happy with something we have done, you can let us know.
Complaints (Anonymous)
In most cases, you can complain about Villamanta without telling us your name.