In most cases, you can complain about Villamanta without telling us your name.
You will only need to tell us your name if:
- You have made a serious allegation against a Villamanta worker. Under the principles of ‘natural justice’, any person has the right to know who is making allegations against them, and what those allegations are, or
- The only way we can successfully resolve your complaint is if we know who you are.
When you make a complaint, we will:
- Listen and take your complaint seriously
- Encourage you to get an independent advocate if you want one
- Not discriminate against you because you have made a complaint
- Deal with your complaint regardless of how you let us know about it
- Deal with your complaint quickly
- Make sure your complaint is investigated
- Tell you about other independent places you can complain to. These include the Legal Services Board and Commissioner, other disability advocacy services, and other Community Legal Centres (CLC)
- Let you decide whether your complaint will be investigated by someone at Villamanta or an independent organisation
- Tell you the results of any Villamanta investigation and what will happen
- Give you other options if you are not happy with the result.