If you contact us for help, there is some information we need from you.
This is called record-keeping, and the information you give us is protected by our privacy rules.
This information includes:
- Basic information about why you contacted us, your age, ethnicity and job. We put this information into a computer database to help with the work we do to fight for the rights of people with disability
- What you wanted and what we did to help you. We file this information for reference only and lock it in a safe place.
Villamanta has done legal work for me. What information do they have about me?
Villamanta also has computer databases with lists of its members, and with people who get our newsletter and are on our mailing lists.
If you have contacted Villamanta, you have the right to see and have a copy of the information we have about you. If you are on one of our databases, you have the right to have your name removed.
If Villamanta has worked for you on a legal case, the person who worked with you would have opened a file with your information. This means:
- The file will have your name and a record number
- There will be a separate file for each legal issue you have
- Each file will have all relevant information about your legal issue
- The file will be kept in a safe place
- When the legal work is finished, we will close your file
- We will tell you when we have closed your file
- You have the right to look at and get a copy of your file at any time.