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Disability advocacy response to proposed NDIS reforms

Villamanta is one of 25 disability advocacy organisations who have written and endorsed joint responses to the NDIA’s consultation on proposed reforms.  These have been submitted to the NDIA. You can read the submissions below. Download “Response to Consultation on Proposed NDIS Reforms- Access and Independent Assessments“ Download “Response to Consultation on Proposed NDIS Reforms-…

Support when making a submission to the Disability Royal Commission

The Commission website provides comprehensive information about the aims and role of the Commission and options for providing a submission: Legal Rights Prior to making a submission, it is recommended that legal advice is sought to ensure the legal rights of the participants are acknowledged.  Your Story Disability Legal Support provide free legal advice: …


Advocacy support for Disability Royal Commission now available throughout Victoria 19/8/2020 People with disability living in Victoria who have experienced violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation can now access free and independent advocacy support. Around 4.4 million Australians have disability and research shows they are more likely to experience violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation than people…