Seeking legal help can be a confusing process. Some legal issues might seem disability-related, but Villamanta may not be the best organisation to help you.

We want you to get the right help for your legal issue. So we have created this list with common issues that people need help with, and who you can contact for advice if you are experiencing legal issues in these areas:

Where else can I find help?


If you need help to work through a legal or non-legal issue, you might find it helpful to talk to a disability advocate.

If there is a legal matter that is part of the issue you have, an advocate can support you to call Villamanta’s Telephone Information Service for information.

Find an advocate (Victoria)
Disability Advocacy Finder (National)

Free legal help

Community Legal Centre (CLC) and Legal Aid

Your local CLC or Victorian Legal Aid might be able to give you free legal information and advice.

Find a CLC
Contact Legal Aid

Australian Pro Bono Centre

The Australian Pro Bono Centre has details of a range of options for seeking legal help in Victoria.

Find legal help in Victoria

Court Network

Court Network is a free confidential community service for victims of crime in Victoria. They provide non-legal information, support and referral in court matters before, during and after.

Contact Court Network
Giving legal advice