The Disability Royal Commission handed down their final report last Friday.
It includes 222 recommendations about how to make Australia a better place for disabled Australians. The government has said they will set up a taskforce to work through the recommendations. That means they won’t be commenting on which recommendations they agree with, at least until early next year.
Villamanta thanks everybody who contributed to this Royal Commission. We know that for many it was traumatic to give evidence, and that it took great courage to tell your stories.
The Royal Commissioners did not all agree on the recommendations, and we know that there are some areas where the community will also have differing views about the best way forward. We are still working through the many pages of the report, and are sure many others around Australia are too.
For now, we are heartened by the strong messages from the Royal Commission about inclusion, rights and autonomy, and are looking forward to hearing about the government’s response.
The Blue Knot counselling services continue to be available for people who have been affected by the Royal Commission, there details are available here.
Zane McKenzie
Acting President
Naomi Anderson
Acting CEO