Uli Cartwright is a person with disability, a disability advocate. He has a passion for bringing advocacy into the digital space and using his voice and lived experiences to start a dialogue and create change. He has a keen interest in social justice and works from a human rights approach that holds the opinions, needs…
Neville is an Ordinary Member of Villamanta’s Committee of Management and has been on the Committee since it started in 1991. Neville works at genU in North Geelong, and his hobbies include acting classes, which he has been enjoying for years, and singing in a choir. He is also a member of the Geelong Football…
Jackie is the parent of an adult with cerebral palsy (CP) and other complex needs. Jackie also has a sibling with disability, so she has always been aware of the many challenges families of disabled people face. Jackie’s family used Villamanta’s legal services and found them exceptional. So she is proud to have been accepted…
Natalie is a government lawyer, with experience in public and administrative law across the Victorian Public Service. Natalie also has significant experience in developing policy and drafting legislative and regulatory reform. Natalie holds a Bachelor of Laws and Psychology (Hons), Masters in Public and International Law, and Graduate Diploma in Practical Legal Training. Natalie moved…